Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Starhawk (PS3)

Starhawk is an interesting game in that its hard to classify it into one genre. One could try, but instead you would end up with a mis-classifications. Probably the best description is a third person action flight sim RTS. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Following of the heals of Warhawk (well maybe not heels since it came out in 2007, how about foot prints that where later covered up by the crashing ocean, somewhat romantic right?) Starhawk aims to be a lot of things and does a pretty good job at it. I played both the original Warhawk (1995) and the remake (2007) a good deal. Granted they are both two different games, but they where still fun. The first game was very much a "flight" sim and I use that distinction loosely. The remake was a multi-player only game.

Starhawk seems to try to right the wrongs of the last game. While it added a single player portion, its really just a tutorial. It only takes about 6 hours to complete. You can go back through and try and get better times and medals, but these really don't serve any purpose. Instead the bulk of this game is meant to be played online. While there isn't a great deal of variety, the multi-player games are a blast. It never gets old calling down new structures to help defend your base. But your base seems to be the biggest problem, if the opposing team is well coordinated and they can essentially spawn camp the balls out of your base. This kind of diminishes the fun and doesn't allow for the greatest challenge at over coming overwhelming odds. The vehicles, while there aren't a lot of variety are enjoyable, flying the Starhawks is great fun. I loved taking off, flying to the enemy base and bombarding the hell out of it. Only to transform in their base and kill I guess I am kind of a dick in those matters. Also I don't know what it is, but the structures seems incredibly weak to me. When some guy can walk up and take down a sentry gun with a few swipes of his knife...there is something wrong. I haven't played the prospector mode yet, which looks fun, but I can't get together any co-op people to enjoy it with. My girlfriend has an adherence to playing video games with me in which she can "look right at them" (i.e. third person perspective). I suppose she mainly serves as enemy distraction in any case.

I have enjoyed Starhawk. Its a very good multi player distraction especially for someone like me who hates playing with out people. I'll probably continue playing it while farming for trophies.

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