Saturday, May 19, 2012

Paint ball and the RUSH of the kill

I am by no means a nimble person. I have always used the excuse I'm built for endurance more so then speed. Going paint balling for the first time yesterday showed that even a beast of burden such as myself can get low and hide when shit hits the fan.

Going off my history with first person shooters I thought I would be dominating the field. Running around, jumping off ledges, doing flips and shit. In reality however I spent much of time hiding like a little girl screaming for my mommie. The few times I rushed the side I was met with utter defeat. Maybe I am not as young as I use to be and I am a fairly large target, but sometimes I swear shit just got crazy. For one instance I thought about running up the right side of the field dodging my way through a corridor to try and flank the opposing team. However not being the "speediest" I was shot three times before I made it to the other side. The one time I met with triumph was basically sneaking my way up the the other side to find my brother laying in wait. I don't know how accurate I am, but I nailed him right in the hand, rendering him defenseless. It might have been my only kill the whole day, but what a kill.

They often say video games and real life don't translate well. That is an understatement. I don't know if it was my gun or maybe my lack accuracy, but I felt like I couldn't hit anything. I am unsure if it was just because the gun was a rental and doesn't represent the highest quality, but it felt like I couldn't hit anything from a distance. I tried picking off people, but I felt like my balls where all over the place ::12 year old laugh::. I don't know if paint ball barrels are bored or not. I mean its 2012, shouldn't all guns be bored by now? Didn't the civil war teach us anything? But I felt as if when I was shooting the ball would hit somewhere, but usually not where I intended.

This leads me to the realization, that with superior fire power, us peons don't stand a chance. One guy had some kind of rapid fire paint ball gun. It was a beast. Must of cost nearly 1500, which I think is a lot for a gun. But the few times he got me, it was at least 3-4 times in a row. It was a far cry from our little semi-automatic "US Army" replicas.

Whatever the case, I enjoyed it immensely. I don't know if it was the rush, or the thrill or even tagging my brother, but it was really enjoyable. I joked at the end, they will see me back next week all decked out ready for combat. If I had a full time job and maybe a constant set to go with, I would enjoy it. It would certainly give me an excuses to get back down to my scrappin' weight.

1 comment:

  1. "Going off my history with first person shooters I thought I would be dominating the field. Running around, jumping off ledges, doing flips and shit. In reality however I spent much of time hiding like a little girl screaming for my mommie."

    This is EXACTLY how my first paintball experience went.
