Friday, May 4, 2012

The Walking Dead (PS3)

I have always been a fan of adventure games, hell Grim Fandango is one of my top favorite games of all time. And I really like TellTale Games for keeping the genre alive and reinvigorating it. While I didn't know they where making a Walking Dead game, I had played all of there other games. I have to say though, Jurassic Park was probably not the best game. It just lacked something that Back to the Future, Sam and Max and Monkey Island series had. Plus the girl in that game was absolutely terrible and many time I would purposely fail just to have her be eaten by a velociraptor. I secretly hoped her father would move on with his life, while mourning a little bit, but in the end be realized that he was happy didn't have to carry her around anymore.

The Walking Dead takes all the mistakes from Jurassic Park and throws them away. Its a quick (granted only the first episode has been released) exciting game, that never fails to impress. While it touts how your decisions actually will effect the game later on (not like some Mass Effect bullshit), the game makes you invested in your choices. I questioned myself a great deal after I chose to save the boy over the farmers son. I still don't think I made the right choice, but I have to live with it.

The graphics are amazing and really capture the graphic novel qualities. The cell shading is minuscule, but makes you feel like you are playing a comic book. This is a far greater telling of the original source material then the hit AMC television show. The controls are tight and they need to be for the quick responses you have to give. On little slip and you are zombie chow. Of it you make a wrong move and let some else be eaten, the rest of the people will remember that. For example when Glenn witnesses you allowing a bitten women take her own life, its something that will haunt you and your relationship with him. The dialog is the highlight of the game, granted when its an adventure game, what else do you have to go on? I could sit there and little to voice actors talk about the world and everything, it was just wonderfully written.

I really enjoyed the Walking Dead, it was a shame the first episode only clocked in around 3 hours, I didn't want it to end. But with three more episodes on the way, I am excited to see how the series continues. I would recommend this game to anyone who wants something different then the traditional zombie shooter and wants to become enveloped in the story.

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